In case you missed it

Obama for America

Rudolf J. --

We put together an ad today that captures Barack's victory in last night's debate in 30 seconds.

Take a look and make a donation of $100 or more to get it on the air for those who may have missed it:

Watch the ad and make a donation

After his erratic and reckless response to the economic crisis, McCain needed a game-changer last night to restore his campaign. He didn't even come close.

In a CBS News poll, uncommitted voters see Barack as the debate winner. When it comes to the economy, 66% say Barack would make the right decisions versus 42% for McCain.

The CNN poll results were also clear:

Who did the best job tonight?
Barack: 51
McCain: 38

Who would better handle Iraq?
Barack: 52
McCain: 47

Who would better handle the economy?
Barack: 58
McCain: 37

These are not the kind of reviews John McCain needed, but they show that Barack is offering the change we need.

Barack broke through last night with voters who were watching -- but we need to get the word out to the millions who didn't tune in.

Will you watch our latest ad and make a donation of $100 or more to show your support?

Thank you for everything you are doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)