Ratgeber für MicroUnternehmen

Life Script Decisions II

A lower class teenager would have a similar but different script. College would be discouraged by most as out of reach, both financially and socially. He would get a job.

He would be expected to marry and have children. A desk job is unlikely, but job opportunities range from the skilled trades to unskilled labor to joining the military.

He'd work a variety of jobs or one position within the union until retiring. His female counter part would go to school. She is much more likely to work to help support her family before marriage and to work after marriage to get by.

In the 1950s, if a young woman didn't want to get married, she could work as a teacher to allow her to interact regularly with children, work as nanny or hold an office job and be deeply supportive of her siblings' children. If a young man did not want to get married, outside of religious vocations he would face heavy pressure to marry.

What happens on the loser script? A smart young child with a short attention span may be gifted. However, because he doesn't pay attention to the teacher, he is labeled a trouble maker. The teachers then make decisions based upon this classification. He shouldn't be given extra attention, because he is a trouble maker. Grades slip because he doesn't pay attention in class or get help when needed.

Any incident in a subsequent grade is filtered through the information given by prior decision makers, that this is a "troubled" child or loser. If there is an incident, he is assumed to have done so out of malice. Ripped pages in a book are not the result of bored but busy hands but deliberately ripped, so he is sent off to the principal.

A negative report goes into the school file. He gets into a fight after being called names and the "good" child's word results in the "loser" being put in suspension, regardless of who called whom a bad name. He shouldn't be in gifted courses, because of the bad grades. He shouldn't go to college, because he has bad grades.