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Overburdened, Frigid Partners III

III) Frigid Partner

Frigidity takes the meaning of being intensively cold/ indifferent/ lacking imaginative qualities/ averse to sex. Here the discussion is on the topic Frigid partner and the definition, abnormally averse to sexual life, fits well. Several factors contribute for a partner being Frigid. For Instance,

1) Some women find men frigid from the way they behave as self pleaser and very thoughtless
2) The second case is, men find some women averted to the very idea of sex and cannot enjoy it.
3) A good lover/husband/wife/ may also have a Frigid partner. This case arouses when the partner feel frigid due to some bitter past experiences like child abuse or rape.
4) Being Frigid is a state of mind and the partner is sometimes helpless. Sexually speaking, being frigid is a psychological condition and sometimes a bad foreplay or bad lover has no importance.
5) If a partner/couple desperately need a kid and this does not happen to them even after trying for years, frigidity automatically develops without their knowledge. This is again in some people, not all.
6) My Psychologist friend thinks frigid partners exist as they get aged and feel they have lost the ecstasy that deliciously once stood in their young age.
7) Some find it very hard to cope up with alcoholics and partners who enjoy bed with multiple partners.
8) Some people get scared or afraid when they hear the word sex. They may also have reason for their sex phobia.

Think your romance is dead? Never! Just try these tips and enhance your love life.

1) Romance will never die and you can work on your own or with the help of experts, to bring back your dead romance, alive and kicking. Consult a professional counselor, if you think you or your partner is frigid and no more derive pleasure of being together.
2) Spent some time to talk to your partner and try ways to help him/her out of this
3) Always hope to love and loved back. This is the secret of evergreen romance

Keep these ideas in mind and bring back the cream of love and romance in your life, once again.

IV) I am not OK

Always being happy is very difficult for many. The thought-I am not feeling OK, disturbs the mind. There is no one particular reason for this state of mind. There are ample of reasons, and differs from one person to another. If 'I am not OK' feeling constantly echos in your mind, affecting your work and family life equally, its time for you to book an appointment with a psychologist or an expert.

Psychological advice will help you bring back the lost smile and confidence in you.