Ratgeber für MicroUnternehmen

Ego Fortification, Dreams III

Otherwise they help to identify an aspiration and can help to fortify your ego, by showing you where you would like to go. "Follow your dreams", is good advice.

This is similar to looking at what you admire in other people- this is also an indication of what you would like to achieve in your own life.

Although dreams can help identify problem area and may trigger a search for both the problem and solution, they are not easily accessible to the conscious mind and their meaning may be hard to elucidate.

Overall it would seem that dreams may not play such a large part in our efforts to fortify and stabilize our egos, although they may have a useful initial role. Daydreams may serve a useful function in identifying what you want to do or perhaps may have some other practical benefit to offer. Visualization, which is basically controlled day-dreaming, has been recommended as a good way of assisting and embedding change in the psyche.

But they should always be positive and be as though the wanted change were already present. A future change tends to remains just that - something that will only happen in the future. It has been found that thanking and praising for the change as though it had already occurred are very effective ways of actualizing visualizations.

Dreams have a very definite part to play but there may be more immediately useful techniques, although dreams are so common it is hard to estimate their actual importance. People prevented from dreaming do seem to suffer adverse consequences from the such deprivation.

(continued from part II)

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