Yes We Can

Infos über Barack Obama, Pre-election, election, presidency, politics, speeches

Call African American Voters in a swing state

Rudolf J. --

My wife Jill is an extraordinary woman.

Lately, she's been teaching school during the week and joining me on the campaign trail on the weekends. But this week, she also found some time to go to campaign headquarters and call voters in crucial battleground states.

Jill has always had a great time talking to potential supporters, and I'm sure her calls brought Barack and me a few votes closer to victory.

Can you do the same? Today you have the opportunity to reach out to African American voters in Indiana, an important constituency that could help decide the outcome of this election.

Get your list of voters right now.

Watch this video of my wife making calls, see how easy it is, and then join her and tens of thousands of volunteers across the country by making calls from your own home.

Watch the video and call voters

With the conventions and the debates behind us, this election is now in your hands.

Reaching out to swing voters by making these calls is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference right now.

No matter how many rallies Barack and I hold or speeches we give, supporters like you talking to fellow voters one-on-one is the way we're going to win this election.

Get your list of supporters today and give them a call right from your own home:

Get your list of voters right now.

Thanks for everything you're doing,


P.S. -- Can't make calls this weekend? Sign up to make calls for the campaign later this week:


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

A big first step

Rudolf J. --

Today, I signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law.

This is a historic step -- the first of many as we work together to climb out of this crisis -- and I want to thank you for your resolve and your support.

You organized thousands of house meetings. You shared your ideas and personal stories. And you informed your friends and neighbors about the need for immediate action. You continue to be a powerful voice for change throughout the country.

The recovery plan will create or save 3.5 million jobs, provide tax cuts for working and middle-class families, and invest in health care and clean energy.

It's a bold plan to address a huge problem, and it will require my vigilance and yours to make sure it's done right.

I've assigned a team of managers to oversee the implementation of the recovery act. We are committed to making sure no dollar is wasted. But accountability begins with you.

That's why my administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions.

Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:

Your stories are the heart of this recovery plan, and that's what I'll focus on every day as President.

With your continued support, we'll emerge a stronger and more prosperous nation.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

Healthcare Reform: Ready to go

Organizing for America
Rudolf J. --

The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!

Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.


With your support, we can train volunteers, hire organizers, place ads, hold local educational events, bring constituent voices straight to Congress, and make sure your real life stories are heard louder than the lobbyists' spin. But executing this plan will require a lot of resources, and with just 78 days or less before the first crucial vote, we can't wait another minute to begin.

Last November, Americans sent a strong message that we are ready to take the serious steps we need for change. Obama laid out those steps on health care this week with his three core principles: reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure every American has quality, affordable health care.

But special interests will spend millions making sure politicians and the Washington establishment forget that message. They'll say reforming health care is too difficult and too costly. And they'll say it's too much change all at one time. They'll say it simply can't be done. But we know the answer to that: yes we can.

For every distortion they put on the airwaves, we must immediately broadcast the facts. For every deceptive pamphlet they send in the mail, we must have a volunteer going door to door, ready to have a real conversation and break through the spin. For every lobbyist cutting deals in the back rooms of DC, we need a thousand calls, letters, stories, and visits from regular Americans who will settle for nothing less than the real healthcare reform this country needs.

This challenge is what Organizing for America was designed for. Together, we can transform the way change is made in this country -- but we can't wait another day to begin.

Your contribution to our healthcare campaign is the vital first step that will enable us to hire the staff, open the local offices, train the volunteers, design and place the ads, and put all the other pieces in place we need to execute this urgent plan. Please chip in $25 today:


America has been wrestling with our spiraling healthcare crisis for a long time. But with your help, this time will be different. This time, the people will be heard. And when the dust settles before the end of this year, every American will finally have the quality, affordable health care we need and deserve.

Thanks for making it possible,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

My Supreme Court Nominee - Barack Obama


Rudolf J. --

I am proud to announce my nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court: Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

This decision affects us all -- and so it must involve us all. I've recorded a special message to personally introduce Judge Sotomayor and explain why I'm so confident she will make an excellent Justice.

Please watch the video, and then pass this note on to friends and family to include them in this historic moment.

Watch a special message from the President

Judge Sotomayor has lived the America Dream. Born and raised in a South Bronx housing project, she distinguished herself in academia and then as a hard-charging New York District Attorney.

Judge Sotomayor has gone on to earn bipartisan acclaim as one of America's finest legal minds. As a Supreme Court Justice, she would bring more federal judicial experience to the Supreme Court than any Justice in 100 years. Judge Sotomayor would show fidelity to our Constitution and draw on a common-sense understanding of how the law affects our day-to-day lives.

A nomination for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land is one of the most important decisions a President can make. And the discussions that follow will be among the most important we have as a nation. You can begin the conversation today by watching this special message and then passing it on:

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Tax Calculator: How much will your family save?

Obama for America
Dear Rudolf J.,

American families are in desperate need of economic relief.

Barack's plan will cut taxes for 95% of families. John McCain will provide billions in tax breaks for big oil companies and giant corporations with no relief for millions of middle-class Americans.

Barack is calling for three times the tax cuts for middle-class families.

Find out what this means for you and your family -- use our new tax calculator:

Use our new tax calculator

With our country facing the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression -- over 760,000 jobs lost this year, unemployment skyrocketing, and retirement losses exceeding $2 trillion -- we need to take immediate steps to recover.

Yesterday, Barack unveiled his Economic Rescue Plan for The Middle Class, including special measures for job creation, a moratorium on foreclosures, and increased tax relief for families.

As president, Barack will provide a new $1,000 tax cut for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare, and save for retirement.

See how these plans would affect you and your family -- and forward this email so others can also calculate their taxes:


Obama for America

First Americans can make the difference

Obama for America

First Americans have been stepping up across the nation to help bring the change we need.

They know Barack Obama wants tribal nations to be a part of shaping our shared future -- to have a voice in rebuilding our economy, responsibly ending the war in Iraq, and changing the way business is done in Washington.

With only days left until Election Day, your support is more important than ever.

We've put together a video about First Americans getting involved to help Barack.

Watch the video, then sign up to help in the final push.

Watch the video and get involved

Everything will come down to these last few days. No matter what anyone says, this election will be decided on the ground by dedicated people helping to get out the vote.

We're almost there. And we need you to take us over the finish line.

Watch the video and take action to make sure we bring the change we need:

With your help, we can make history and change our country.

Thank you for all that you're doing,

First Americans for Obama



(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

Obama campaign finances

Election Night: Get a front row seat to history
Rudolf J. --

Yesterday the McCain campaign said they would outspend our campaign by $10 million in the final days. This is on top of recent news that, as of October 15th, our opponents had $20 million more in the bank than our campaign and the DNC combined.

As of this morning, they may be able to outspend us -- but your generosity in response to my last email gives me hope that by the end of the day, we can rise to the challenge.

We knew the McCain campaign was saving its resources for a last-minute blitz, and now we know just how much they'll pour into it.

No matter what, we need to match what our opponents are spending in the final stretch. We can't slow down between now and Election Day.

And if you give again today -- any amount -- you could be one of 5 previous donors who will have a front row seat for the big Election Night event in Chicago with Barack.

Can you make a donation of $100 or more right now?

Make a donation and you could get a front row seat to history

I track the donations coming in, and there's no doubt about it -- supporters like you have fundamentally changed how presidential campaigns are funded. You drive this campaign.

That's why Barack wants you to be there on Election Night as the results come in.

If you're selected, we'll fly you and a guest in and put you up in a hotel. You'll go backstage at the big event and -- no matter what happens -- you'll have a front row seat to history as we celebrate the supporters who got us over the finish line.

Any donation counts -- whatever you can afford. Make a donation of $100 or more before midnight Sunday and you could have a front row seat to history on Election Night:

These last 3 days, we have to redouble our efforts. And we're counting on you more than ever before.

Let's make this happen.



Marianne Markowitz
Chief Financial Officer
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make a donation, you can help get us across the finish line by volunteering to help get out the vote:

---------Forwarded Message--------
Sender: Marianne Markowitz,
Subject: Obama campaign finances

Rudolf J. --

I'm the Chief Financial Officer for Barack Obama's campaign. I track the donations coming in and the expenses going out.

I asked for the opportunity to write to you directly so that I could try to explain what's happening right now.

This organization has thousands of employees and spends millions of dollars a day -- and at the moment we're doing it without a safety net.

Our spending plans have been stretched by John McCain's negative attacks and the overwhelming resources of the Republican National Committee.

As of October 15th, John McCain and the RNC together had nearly $20 million more in cash than the combined total of Obama for America and the DNC. And just this week, we're facing new and unexpected spending against us in Montana and West Virginia.

Your incredible generosity has gotten us this far. But right now we need your help more than ever to get this campaign across the finish line.

Please donate $100 or whatever you can afford right now:

My team and I are working to stretch every dollar in order to keep as many paths to victory open as possible. But we need whatever help you can provide for this crucial final stretch.

Thank you,


Marianne Markowitz
Chief Financial Officer
Obama for America


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

The future of this movement

Rudolf --

I have some exciting news to share about the future of this grassroots movement.

I recorded a personal message for you. Please take a minute to watch the video:

Watch the video

What you built can't stop now. Together with our partners at the Democratic National Committee and its new chairman, Governor Tim Kaine, this movement will continue organizing and bringing new people into the political process.

The challenges facing our country are too great, and our journey to change America is just beginning.

I look forward to working side-by-side with you in the months and years ahead.




(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

Recovery bill and your stories

Organizing for America
Rudolf J. --

Congress is preparing to vote on a final Economic Recovery bill.

President Obama is urging action in Washington because families across the country need help right now.

In the past week, thousands of you came together at house meetings to talk about how the economic crisis is affecting your communities. And thousands more shared your personal stories on our website.

Your voices were heard. Help is on the way.

Take a few minutes and read some of the stories your fellow Americans shared.

These stories are the face of the economic crisis, and they will be the focus of our recovery. Here are a few excerpts from the tens of thousands of stories people like you shared:

"As of a week ago, our family has joined the ranks of the unemployed and thus uninsured. We have two children, a 6 year old and a 10 month old. With my part time jobs and unemployment, we should be able to keep the roof over our heads, at least one car in the driveway and food in our stomachs for a few months. The state of our health insurance is what truly scares us."
Nichole H., Columbus, OH

"I live in a small rural community in central Minnesota and have run my own small business for 32 years here. These last 8 years have been a slow steady decline economically. This has caused me to continually find ways to tighten my budget. Our small towns are really struggling with infrastructure and loss of businesses to attract and hold workers in their communities."
Judy T., Motley, MN

"I am a teacher in Florida where we are 50th in the country in spending per student. I feel this generation of students is being cheated out of a quality education. I'm fortunate that I have a job. But our education system is failing our children. There are so many areas of education that are suffering because of massive budget cuts. The bottom line is: as the United States of America we can do better for our children."
Betty Jo A., Deltona, FL

Read more from Nichole, Judy, Betty Jo, and others who shared their economic crisis stories:

Ordinary people are telling the real story of the struggles and pressures families are facing right now. They drive home the importance of this recovery plan and the need to put it into action immediately.

The President's economic recovery plan is an important first step in getting our country back on track. But recovering from this downturn will require the faith, confidence, and hard work of all Americans.

Thank you for staying involved during this critical time for our country,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)

Message from President Barack Obama on the Health Reform

Rudolf J. --

On Wednesday night President Obama delivered a passionate address on health reform to Congress and all Americans, then immediately wrote to you to ask for your help in making reform a reality.

Your response was astounding: In less than 48 hours, more than 450,000 of you signed messages urging Congress to pass the President's plan -- and even chipped in more than $1 million to power our campaign for change.

Now, President Obama has recorded a message just for OFA supporters about what comes next. Please watch the video, and, if you haven't already, add your name in support of the President's plan.

Watch the video




Swiftboating Health Care

Organizing for America

We knew healthcare reform would face fierce opposition -- and it's begun. As we speak, the same people behind the notorious "swiftboat" ads of 2004 are already pumping millions of dollars into deceptive television ads. Their plan is simple: torpedo healthcare reform before it sees the light of day by scaring the public and distorting the President's approach.

We need the resources to take them head on with an urgent, grassroots campaign to pass real healthcare reform in 2009.

When the swiftboaters flood the airwaves with distortions, we'll flood the streets with volunteers armed with facts. When they send lobbyists to tell Congress to back down, we'll send millions of calls, letters, and stories from real Americans asking them to stand up.

Can you donate $25 or more by midnight Sunday to fight back against these phony attacks and take our message of reform to the American people?

Donate $25 or more by midnight Sunday

The swiftboaters are once again trying to sell the American people short. As during the election, we deserve a serious conversation -- not fear-mongering and deceit. You and I see the importance of healthcare reform every day. We can't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to face one of America's greatest challenges head on.

Passing real healthcare reform will be the toughest, most important challenge we've faced together since electing Barack Obama President.

But it's also a big reason we fought so hard to get here. I know that by working together, and speaking with one, determined voice, we can prevail over the cynics and defenders of the status quo. America's families are counting on us to do just that.

Please donate $25 or more to defend healthcare reform today:

Thank you,

David Plouffe



(edited by Rudolf J. Osler; die Linx sind teilweise nicht mehr aktuell)


Dieser Bereich beschäftigt sich mit den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Insbesondere finden Sie hier:

allgemeine Informationen zu,
Original Podcasts und Organizing for Health Care
Original Videomaterial

von und über Barack Obama.

Dieser Bereich ist der aktuellen Politik Barack Obamas ab seiner Amtseinführung im Januar 2009 vorbehalten. Informationen zu den Zeiträumen seiner Wahlkampagne und zu den Präsidentschaftswahlen finden Sie in den entsprechenden Bereichen 'Election', 'Pre-election' und 'Election Campaign'.

Dieser Bereich beschäftigt sich mit den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu den Zeiträumen seiner Wahlkampagne und zu den Präsidentschaftswahlen. Insbesondere finden Sie hier:

allgemeine Informationen zu,
Original Podcasts und 
Original Videomaterial

von und über Barack Obama.

Entsprechende Informationen über die aktuelle Politik Barack Obamas ab seiner Amtseinführung im Januar 2009 erhalten Sie im Bereich 'Current Policies'.
